[Rich Content Editor] Pretty HTML Editor to Ignore Browser Spell Check

Problem statement:

The recent changes to the Pretty HTML editor have caused lots of issues for me and my team who work very heavily in the HTML editor side of Canvas. Things we have noticed that make our job more complicated:

  • The new HTML editor seems to trigger the Spell Check on all browsers in a way it never did before (so much so that it is incredibly distracting to attempt an edit)
  • The new HTML editor uses "suggested highlights", which are heavily distracting and also prevent users from being able to see what THEY are highlighting versus what Canvas is suggesting is highlighted. It also produces visual stress to see everything highlighted on the page when CTRL+F can help you do that as needed.


Proposed solution:

Reverting back to the previous Pretty HTML editor may be a better starting point while things are tested further. I know Canvas is attempting to make HTML editing more accessible to new users, but it is preventing it from working for those of us that use it on a regular basis. Removing the auto highlight might be a big help for reducing the visual stress of trying to edit in HTML. For now, since I got no where with a help ticket for the spell check issue, I have just had to go through an teach my Spell Check HTML words to add to the dictionary.

User role(s):
