[Rich Content Editor] Have Cursor Remain on Same Spot on Page When You Switch Between the Rich Content Editor and the HTML Editor

I know there are several good ideas about improving the HTML editor including making it easier to read the HTML. I think one thing that would be beneficial is to have my cursor remain on the same spot of the page when I move between the Rich Content Editor and the HTML Editor. Right now, when I switch to the HTML editor from the Rich Content Editor I am moved to the bottom of the page. I would love if it stayed on the same spot of the page. 


For example if my cursor is right after this heading in the Rich Content Editor:

275458_Rich Content Editor Cursor.PNG


I want the HTML Editor to open up at the same spot like this:


275472_Cursor in Same Spot HTML Editor.PNG

And then when I switch from the HTML Editor back to the Rich Content Editor I think it would be really helpful to have my cursor do the same and remain in the same spot. Right now I have to search back to where I was whenever I switch between the two.

Community Contributor

Boy, that would be great if Instructure could pull this off. 

Community Champion

That really would be awesome.

Community Champion

Here are some links to this idea when it has occurred before in case someone wants the history. These are in cold storage and you will need to join the group when you get there to read them. The idea of an HTML formatter was popular back then as well.

I looked at this again earlier this year (2018) and thought I was headed on a path that might head somewhere. TinyMCE has some variables that indicate the position. But it turned out harder than it looked and I gave up as I had other things that were more pressing. I might have actually been doing a lesson on avoiding procrastination by getting distracted by the instant gratification monkey at the time and realized it wasn't productive to spend more time on it right then.

Community Champion

Thanks James, I think I might be joining Cold Storage so I can go through some of these old ideas more and see some of the discussion that happened with those ideas.

I am hoping this idea can gain some traction this time around. I do find it really irritating losing my spot on the page whenever I switch between the Rich Content Editor and the HTML Editor.

Community Champion

The one potential downside to joining cold storage is that you will be exposed to a whole world of feature ideas you didn't know exist and they'll now show up in your searches, so finding current information may be harder.

A less-technical immediate work-around might be to type ^^^ or something else that is very unlikely to show up in either view and then use Ctrl/Cmd-F to search for it once it switches. I might have been able to automate that aspect of it, but I didn't think of it until just now.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thanks for this suggestion. It's the same thing that I do but with a bunch of all caps letters so I an also visually see if I'm scrolling instead of searching. (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)

Community Champion

Brilliant idea  @timothy_maw 

No more searching!

Community Champion

Sad to say, I got side-tracked by the instant gratification monkey by clicking on on James' link.

Sigh - Shar

Community Champion

Great Idea

Community Member

This would help SO much!!!!