Restrict assignment submission attempts

Currently there is no way (that I am aware of) to limit the number of times a student may submit an assignment. This functionality is available for quizzes, but not for other assignment types. It would be very helpful for our instructors to be able to set the number of times a student may submit an assignment, whether for a revisions process or simply to limit the number of files they need to comb through in grading.

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For details, please read through the 

Community Participant

2020 and this STILL is not implemented??  Come on Canvas, get your act together.  This should be an easy fix.  When will instructors be able to limit the attempts on an assignment??

Community Explorer

I'm planning to use Canvas with embedded quizzes, where I plan to discuss the correct answer after the student has entered a response. So rather than limiting the number of attempts, I would like the students to be able to watch the video again, but then I would like to use the FIRST attempt for a grade. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @bsm45 , that would be the subject of a different feature idea, and you'll find it at 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Comments from Instructure

This idea has been developed and is now on Canvas Beta. For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2020-04-18) 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Comments from Instructure

This feature has been developed and is now part of Canvas. For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2020-04-18) 

 @mribkoff  Thank You for sharing this idea, and thanks to everyone for their contributions, which helped refine a feature that is now part of Canvas!

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