[Quizzes] Still getting student suggestions/complaints about no Submit confirmation on Classic Quizzes

Problem statement:

Couldn't post unless I said this was a unique idea, but it isn't. It's several years since the original post. Our students still suggest and also post tickets to us stemming from there being no confirmation dialog/modal after the Submit button is pressed on a Classic Quiz. This issue was posted as solved -- in New Quizzes, for which a migration tool hasn't been rolled out yet. OP: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Ideas/Quiz-Submit-Warning/idi-p/353553

Proposed solution:

Can we get this for Classic Quizzes -- a modal, move the Submit somewhere else and change it's size/color? Thanks.

User role(s):


1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Will Not Consider

Thank you for sharing this idea with the Instructure Community!  In our CPO's announcement to remove the Classic Quizzes Timeline, our top priority is to focus development on New Quizzes and so we will not be adding any new features to Classic Quizzes. Since this idea relates to quiz submissions in Classic Quizzes, we will not be considering it for development 

Thank you for collaborating, and we hope that you submit another idea in the future!