[Profiles] Custom user account fields

Problem statement:

We do not use a student information system with Canvas. UI-visible text fields available in user accounts for purposes other than naming, account identification, password, email or login are authenitication_provider_id and integration_id. This does not allow for much scope in attaching additional info such as - student's course of study, start year or enrolment status - teaching staff's department, level and area of teaching - non teaching staff's department and level.

Proposed solution:

Provide a number of custom text fields that can be used for purposes such as identification and grouping of users.
This will allow for easier identification of users in downloaded reports.
For bonus points, these fields could be exposed in both the root +People screen to allow filtering by these fields, and/or in the +People screen within courses to allow bulk enrolling groups of users at a time.


User role(s):
