[Permissions] Break visibility to Subaccounts out of "Account-level Settings - Manage" Permission into its own dedicated Permission

Problem statement:

Our institution is enterprise-scale, and as such we have many different positions dedicated to specific roles. We've discovered that it would be beneficial to provide the ability to see our subaccount structure to sub/school admins, as Courses search (https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Admin-Guide/How-do-I-use-the-Courses-page-in-an-account/ta-p/104) doesn't incorporate filtering on sub-account to narrow down groups of courses. However, due to the fact that visibility to sub-accounts is granted per the "Account-level Settings - Manage" permission (https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Resource-Documents/Canvas-Account-Role-Permissions/ta-p/38...), this also means providing the capability to manage the settings for the entire account where the role is applied, which is often something we are not comfortable granting to our sub/school admins. For this reason, we are forced to deny our sub/school admins the ability to look within groups of courses at subaccount level, per the additional capabilities they would receive as associated with the Account-level Settings - Manage permission.

Proposed solution:

Remove "Subaccounts" from the Account-level Settings - Manage permission. Create an account-level permission titled (along the lines of) "Subaccounts - View," which would grant the singular permission: "Allows user to view subaccounts for the account." Describe the dependencies for managing the account in the Additional Considerations section for both Account-level Settings - Manage and Subaccounts - View.

User role(s):


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @DanielP !

Thanks for submitting your idea! I've associated it with the "Provide More Granularity for Permissions Configuration" theme. That said, the root of this seems to be a lack of proper filtering in the course search UI. I think you should to also open an idea more directly along that line of expanding on what filters you'd need (assuming this permission is missing). We have a theme called "Add or improve search functionality" that it would fit well with. 

Ultimately, it would be cool if Canvas just had both better filters and this additional permission!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
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