[Permissions] Account-Role Permission To Add Users to Sections
For a course in which enrollments were created via SIS, an account admin cannot add a user to a course section (or remove them from a section) unless this permission is enabled: "SIS Data - manage." However, there are many other dangerous privileges that come along with this permission such as the ability to change the SIS ID of courses and users.
There should be a permission that allows account admins to create sections in a course, and add users to that section. It should be de-coupled from other permissions related to SIS Data. Ideally, it should also be de-coupled from the ability to add or remove users from the course as a whole. There is a related idea (591813) labelled "permission to add students to sections without permission to add students to a course" - however, this suggestion is related to Course Role Permissions, while mine is related to Account Role Permissions. But both ideas point to the need for the ability to create ad-hoc sections in courses for administrative purposes (and add students to those sections), without making changes to enrollment in the course as a whole, which is managed by SIS.