[Peer Review] List Editors on a Single Page

Problem statement:

I have a course with 60ish students who must peer-edit the drafts of two other students. For as long as I can remember, ALL peer-editors were listed on one page. Recently this was changed, so I now see only 10 students (and their assigned peer edits) unless I click onto page 2, 3, 4, etc.. I understand the feature now has a search box atop the page, but it finds only the student who is editing. I'd like to find who is editing FOR that student as well. Previously I could run a simple ctrl+F search and find all this information instantly. Now I have to click through 6 pages.

Proposed solution:

For click reduction and ease of use, revert to the previous layout which listed all students and their peer-editors on one page.

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

Always in the past, peer review assignments have all appeared on a single page. Unfortunately, this year, you have now limited what you can see on a page to only 10 items/students at a time (oh my). For large classes, this creates perhaps dozens of pages we must sift through in order to manage and organize peer reviews, making it nearly impossible to handle accurately and within any reasonable amount of time. Please either revert to the old way of showing all students and assigned peer reviewers on the same page, or provide a button to do this for those of us that need it for larger classes of 50+ students.

Proposed solution:

Now if you need to see who was assigned to review (Smith's) papers (before the reviews are completed), it takes combing through a dozen plus individual pages to find. Whereas when they are all on the same page you only need to use the edit/find "smith" on the page to quickly find those assigned to review this student's work. Sifting through dozens of pages is unbelievably frustrating and confusing especially when needing to do this multiple times for different students. This comes up again, when students turn in the work late, and we need to only assign them ones to grade from others who also recently uploaded a late paper, rather than having the system assign them ones for students that already have papers assigned.

User role(s):


Community Explorer
Problem statement:

I recently had an instructor infrom me of the change to peer reviews going to pages instead of being able to scroll through student names.

Proposed solution:

Instructor finds this change to be rather frustrating and would like to see this changed back to the way it used to operate, without pages, now requiring extra clicks.

User role(s):


Community Explorer
Problem statement:

The pages format makes manually assigning Peer Review VERY arduous labor. While the old format is a long page long, and modern consumers of information do not like long pages, this is a different circumstance and context. The instructor is trying to manage the entire course NOT consume information in chunks. PLEASE ask Canvas to change it back or build in the option for the instructor to toggle to their preferred interface: pages or scrolling list. This is important and affects the labor that teachers must expend doing what should be a simple task. It is important to the function of the interface; it isn't just preferences in question here. The Pages have decreased the accessibility of the interface and complicated ease of navigation for instructors. If you are listening Canvas (or Canvas's AI)--Please elevate this conversation and take a look at this important issue.

Proposed solution:

PLEASE change it back to scrolling list or build in the option for the instructor to toggle to their preferred interface: pages or scrolling list.

User role(s):
