[Peer Review] Automatically Assigned Peer Reviews Should be Automatic

Problem statement:

One of the notes made in the "how do I automatically assign peer reviews" instructor guide states: "If a student has not submitted the assignment or submits the assignment after the due date, the student will not automatically be assigned a peer review and you must manually assign one." While of course teachers want students to submit work by a scheduled due date, late work happens, and any time this does happen for a peer reviewed assignment, more work is created for the teacher.

Proposed solution:

Canvas offers students and teachers an opportunity to break out from the physical AND temporal restraints of a traditional school day. If a student needs a little more time, there shouldn't be more work on either the teacher's end or the student's end, so my proposed solution for this is to make the automatically assigned peer reviews fully automatic, not bound by any specific due date or due time except for the last day of the course. Of course, another option can be to add a locking date feature so a teacher can choose to assign peer reviews after a certain date or not, but this is an area where the options should be available to the teacher to further customize the course to individual student needs.

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