[New Quizzes] item banks link from quiz editing page

Problem statement:

When a New Quiz is being edited, it's possible to add questions from an existing item bank. This option opens up a right-hand sidebar that can be used to access any item bank the user (I assume) has access to. Sometimes it becomes necessary to edit questions within the item bank during the course of quiz creation. Currently, there is no link from the item bank sidebar that will take the user to the full page of item banks, or a full page of any specific item bank. It is possible to access the main item bank page by using the three-dots menu at the top right of the Build page (covered by the sidebar, when it is opened). However, this link does not open in a new tab, which makes continuing to work on the quiz difficult (as usual, the 'Return' button on the item bank page does not return the user to the previous page, but to the main Quizzes page).

Proposed solution:

A link to the full item banks page should be easily accessible from the Build page of any New Quiz, or at least from the item bank sidebar. Failing that, user should be able to open the link to item banks in the three-dots menu in a new window or tab. This saves time, prevents frustration, and streamlines the editing of item bank questions for a quiz that is currently under creation.

User role(s):
