New Quizzes and Speedgrader: Upgrade grade in Speedgrader after updating grade in New Quizzes

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


Currently in a New Quiz in Speedgrader, if you update the score of a question(s) and thus update the score of the quiz, the score in Speedgrader does not update; you have to refresh the page. This is not how a Classic Quiz operates; updates are shown without having to refresh the page.

This current behavior has caused issues with instructors being uncertain as to whether updates to scores have been recorded. Having to refresh the page imposes additional work.

Here is an example:




Refresh Speedgrader in the same manner when using New Quizzes as users have come to expect when using Classic Quizzes. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
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Community Member

This does not work for me, unless there is some way other than ctrl-R  to refresh the page.   Please help!  lots of finals to grade.

Community Member

I've had this and other problems all summer term with using Speedgrader for new quizzes. First, you have to go to Grades to find Speedgrader. Why is it not longer a link from the quiz page?

Next, Speedgrader shows student quizzes as already graded. You lose the count feature (Graded n/N) because it shows they are all graded when they are not (i.e., N/N graded, when it's not). The green check marks are there by student names as well, treating the student score of zero prior to grading as if was the assigned grade.

Third, AND TO THE POINT OF THIS THREAD, after going through an essay question quiz and assigning points, clicking the update button will often fail to change the "Assessment grade out of N" score from zero to the earned credit. During the semester, I had to click two or three times to get it to change. Now that the semester is ended (the end date was 7/23 12:00 am) I keep hitting update and the score does not change. I checked in Grades and no change. Fortunately Grades allowed a manual entry. But that kind of defeats the point.

I even tried page refresh. The "solution" posed above does not work.

Community Member

Follow up. In fact, hit "Update" and the green banner tells you success when it's actually fail.


Community Participant

We noticed this back in November 2020 when we were testing NQ back then. I cannot recall if it was reported to Canvas Support or not. We did report in a load of issues and a great deal of the time we were told that is 'working as expected'.  Given the very different user experience of NQ when compared to Classic, that is often considered 'expected behaviour' (or any the roadmap, or on the priority list), we felt that the if we enabled NQ at our institution, we would need to have a huge support network available for our educators. And one thing the support teams would be saying A LOT, is, 'that is by design, even if it is not a good user experience'. As such, we have held off.

Community Explorer

We are noticing this issue is still persisting. After updating the grade in speedgrader, the grade in the grade book will not update. A student who shows 4/4 in speedgrader shows 2/4 under grades. 

Is there a fix to this on our end or is it a feature flaw that is still being worked out?

Community Member

I don't see any response from Canvas regarding this issue. This is especially problematic for those of us who teach large classes, since it significantly increases grading time & increases the likelihood of grades not being correctly recorded when there are questions that require manual grading. If this is "working as expected/designed", I would happy to explain, in detail, to anyone involved why that is a horrible design!

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Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2022-09-28) 

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