[New Quizzes] Speed up grading by allowing manual grading of ALL student answers to a single question on one page

Problem statement:

There are too many steps to manually grade a short-answer or essay question. You must click into a student's quiz answers, move to the specific question (or set it to sort by question, which you must change for each question), grade, update, click to next student, and repeat the whole process. This is a 5-step process that can be streamlined to take up considerably less time. What used to take me 20-30 minutes to grade a class of 45 students through 10 fill-in-the-blank questions now takes closer to 2 hours. The only other alternative is to grade all questions for each student, which requires graders to mentally shift gears to grade each question. Auto-grading fill-in-the-blank questions would require teachers to anticipate every possible misspelling or typo, which is impossible to predict. Any way way you slice it, it's incredibly inefficient.

Proposed solution:

Proposed solution: Teachers should be able to filter out a single question that needs to be manually graded and see ALL student answers to that question on one page. As we scroll down the page, we just input the grade for each student's answer, grading all 10 or 30 or 45 or 100 answers to that specific question, then hit enter at the bottom of the page. Then you could select out the next question for manual grading. That would take a 5-step process and make it a 2-step process. This was the single best feature in Moodle, and I'm surprised that manual grading is so complicated in Canvas.

User role(s):


Community Participant
Problem statement:

When manually marking a Quiz, can only view one student and their response to one question at a time. This makes marking much slower. It is good when marking if you can see all student responses at the same time on a single screen, allowing marking of all without having to move through one at a time.

Proposed solution:

Have an option viewing the results of a Quiz, or also a menu option when in Edit mode for a Quiz, to open a screen showing options for all results down the screen, with marking options next to each student response. Moodle does this, eg: https://sites.macalester.edu/macdigital/how-to-grade-a-single-moodle-quiz-question-for-all-students/

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

I used to use a website that I sent students to to to a quiz. I could grade in many ways, but one that was really helpful was to grade one question at a time. This made for such efficiency and I was wondering if canvas would ever do that. I know the feature of one-question-grading, but it's not that efficient as I have to click "next student" all the time. This site just showed everyone's answer to #6 and I could just go down the page marking correct/incorrect

Proposed solution:

Allow the teacher to see one question and all student answers. Grade that one question for everyone all at once. This is different than "next student' feature as that takes a lot more time when you have to always click "next student" and wait for the next screen to load.

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

Teachers have to click through each student's entire test in order to grade each written response. Or load each test individually to grade two questions. 

Proposed solution:

Teachers should have the option to grade written responses on one page for all that is assigned. For example, if there are 4 CR questions the teacher should have the option to sort by question number and grade all CR questions on one screen. That would pull up a single page (like speed grader) that has all student's answers to be graded. Instead of having to grade each question on different screens, loading times are slow. 

User role(s):


Previous similar question: 

Thank you for sharing an idea with the Instructure Community! Before the Product Team evaluates your proposal, I'd like to ask - Would you like to see all of the written work for a single student on one SpeedGrader screen, or would you like to view one question (in this case, written) and be able to grade that written answer student-by-student?

Answer: I would like to view all of "question 1" for every student one on screen, with this option I could quickly and efficiently grade 50+ students without having to load each students test individually