[New Quizzes] Randomized Questions NOT from an Item Bank
As of now, the only way to make a quiz that asks a random question (so that different students get different questions) is to create an item bank from which the questions that the random question is picked. This means that if you do this every day (say for a reading quiz), it quickly starts to overwhelm the number of item banks there are as each day's questions require a fresh item bank. If you want to pull two random questions for a daily reading quiz (say, one question about the reading and another about literary terms), that means there has to be TWO item banks created per day. From a course management and ease of use, this quickly can get out of hand and cumbersome to create, utilize, and manage. This is all the more important to reduce cheating (by meaning different students will have a different question about the same reading).
Instead of only asking to draw a random question from an item bank, you should be able to list a certain number of questions in a bespoke list and then tell the quiz to pick 1 (or some other number) from that list. This would allow each quiz question to target a specific situation (say a reading, or a topic, etc.) without making item banks for every situation.