[New Quizzes] RCE to match Canvas

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Please feel free to turn this feature idea off if it's been addressed (or on it's way?) but I am not initially seeing it. With the new Rich Content Editor rolling into Canvas (June 2020), can I request that we have one RCE across Canvas (inclusive of the Equation Editor)?


I'd like to request New Quizzes use the same RCE as within a Canvas course. (or at a minimum can the icons and locations of options be the same?)


Training and supporting a single content creation tool for rich text allows for a more seamless adoption of New Quizzes and ongoing consistency. Faculty and students will see the New Quizzes as part of Canvas a bit more easily. (and no need to reinvent the wheel Smiley Happy).


New RCE (Wiris-like Equation Editor)

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New Quizzes RCE (MathQuill Equation Editor)

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Added to Theme

Community Member

I am a chemist so I need to be able to write chemical reactions and use reaction forward/reverse/double arrows in my quiz questions.

--> When I am editing content in an announcement or in a content module the Math Editor / Rich Content Editor allows me to "insert \ equation" and I am given seven tabs (basic, greek, operators, relationships, arrows, delimiters, misc) allowing me to type what I need.

--> However, when I am in create quiz question, I only get the "Mathquill Toolbar" which has six tabs (basic, greek, operators, relationships, delimiters, misc). Arrows is missing.

It is nearly impossible to write a chemistry quiz without at least a crude arrow symbol.  Please make the Rich Content Editor (RCE) in New Quizzes match the RCE used everywhere else in Canvas.  {yes I know that I can type code for "\rightleftarrows" but I am hoping this is a symbol that could be added to the "misc" tab pretty easily.  I have enough other things to worry about with exam question content much less coding symbols.}

Community Member

Stephanie, I appreciate the comment but can you translate "The idea is currently in development" into a crude timeline? 

My class starts in July 2021.  If there is zero chance the R.C.E. will be fixed by this summer I need to begin hunting for another platform to host my exams.

Thanks for any further input you can provide.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@JMonahan2 I don't have an exact timeline to share on this; it's the second item listed in the product manager's blog post about New Quizzes priorities, but I can't say with certainty whether this feature will be in place for the July 2021 start of your class. When we have a firm date, we'll include it on the Roadmap, so please follow that space for updates.

Community Member

@Stef_retired or @SuSorensen any chance there is an updated timeline on the RCE? I know it's on the priority list, but I checked the roadmap and it isn't showing there yet. We're creating content for a LARGE district to use in August, and trying to figure out development, PD, and quick-start guides to support faculty.



Hi @SraFantasma@JMonahan2,

I'm Tamas Balogh, a new PM for Quizzes alongside @SuSorensen

I can confirm we are currently working on integrating the new RCE to New Quizzes, but we won't be ready with it in the summer unfortunately. I'll post an update when we have a more details on the timeline. 

Community Participant

I thought for sure I was overlooking something but no, there is not a basic HTML editor in New Quizzes. I am unable to do basic things like change formatting of quiz instructions or quiz questions. I do not understand why this is even a "feature idea" because it's a very basic thing that is needed. 


Hi @kylecage0,

We are working on integrating the new RCE which will include the HTML editor, the same as you can find in other parts of Canvas. 

Community Participant

Hi @TamasBalogh - I can appreciate that it's being worked on. I hope that Instructure can appreciate the concerns that customers have with New Quizzes. This product has been around since at least 2017 now and still doesn't have basic functionality that is needed. Many institutions have been holding off on switching to New Quizzes because of things like this. An HTML editor is a very basic tool that is common in course design so that is something that should have been considered from the beginning. 

Community Participant

New Quizzes doesn't allow hyperlinks that link back to course content like in the Rich Content Editor. This function would be helpful so faculty can link back to course content to illustrate correct and incorrect answer choices. 

Community Explorer

I agree with the comments above about the RCE. I am frustrated that it is missing in New Quizzes.