[New Quizzes] Quiz Statistics option to include "concluded" enrollments

Problem statement:

Currently, Quiz Statistics in a course only includes "active" enrollments. For institutions like ours that use rolling enrollment, we need Quiz Statistics to include "concluded" enrollments as we have students entering and finishing courses constantly. We use "conclude enrollment" to indicate a student as completed the course and no longer needs to appear on the active roster. However, the need remains for their quiz information to be included in Quiz Statistics so we can accurately analyze a quiz that has been available for a period of time. You can see discussion about this problem here: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Question-Forum/Can-you-view-quiz-statistics-when-all-stude...

Proposed solution:

Include a checkbox (or some other kind of toggle) where the visual report AND csv download include Quiz Statistics for "concluded enrollments." I don't think this should be difficult as the Gradebook has the option to view "concluded enrollments" mixed in with active enrollments.

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