[New Quizzes] Partial Credit for "Matching", "Categorization", and "Sorting" question types in Quizzes.Next tool

Comments from Instructure

The  Canvas Release Notes (2022-01-15) includes partial credit options for matching questions in New Quizzes. Please refer to  New Quizzes: Partial Credit for Matching Questions .

The Quizzes.Next assignment questions type "Categorization", "Matching", and "Sorting" currently don't allow for partial credit to be given.  In order to pacify my students and to give credit were credit is due I'm currently manually adjusting the scores on these questions. Very tedious!



Thus, I would appreciate if the Canvas team would add the option for partial credit to added to these three assignment question types.


if a question has 2 categories and a total of 10 points, a student that would answers one of the two categories correctly would get 5 points.
if a "Sorting" question has 5 sort items and 10 points overall, a student that sorts 3 out of the 5 items correctly would receive 6 points (3/5*10)

if a "Matching" question has 3 items and 10 points overall, a student that would get 2 out of the 3 items matched correctly would receive 6.67 points (2/3 * 10)


PS: this link brings you to the Canvas FAQ page that documents the current status of this issue:

Community Contributor

I had a coworker ask me this question today. They had a 13 question quiz, and one of the questions was a 10-point matching question, for a total of 22 points. A student got 8/10 of the items correct on the matching portion and received 0 points for that question, thus received a 12/22 for mismatching two items. I thought to myself that it had to be an option in the quiz's settings. Nope. I search and find this vote so I know it's not a possibility.

This is embarrassing. Quizzes.Next has been around for quite some time and there isn't partial credit on matching items? I have to tell my coworker that they either have to tell the student they get a failing grade for missing 2 of the 22 points, to manually correct the grade on every submission, or to not use this type of question. Wow.

Community Novice

Please please please allow partial credit.  When you have a 6 part matching question it should be worth 6 points and students should be able to receive credit for the ones they get correct.  Not an all or nothing. It is very discouraging to students to receive zero points when they have most of an answer correct.  What is the point of having matching options for question type if they cannot receive credit for the correct answers.  It would be better to just go back to traditional multiple choice for students to receive credit for what they answer correctly. 

Community Novice

It is beyond frustrating that a popular request that adds a feature, not asks for a feature to be removed, that was made in 2018 has not yet been implemented, nor has there been communication about it on this thread from Canvas! 394 (shout out to Snape) votes up and no downvotes. I have colleagues that are wary of transitioning to Canvas, and this is one of the "sticky" points for moving away from Quia/Quizizz, etc. Can we please receive a reply on this at the very least?!

Community Champion

It's helpful to see they recently added in partial scoring as an option for multiple answer questions, gives me hope!  We are finally moving towards New Quizzes at my school given the current timeline and I've already seen a few Matching questions.

Though it's not exactly the same, Fill in the Blank/Multiple Drop downs is similar to matching though it's unformatted which is difficult.  Or if you create a stimulus and attach a series of drop drop questions it looks fairly similar to matching to students.  It lets you still create the same "type" of question.  So in the interim when we have small numbers of faculty using the New Quiz tool, those are the two workaround I've been using.

I'd love to hear other workarounds though while we wait!


Community Champion

I was involved in the initial beta testing back in July 2016 and still have my notes and printscreens.  At the time there was only 1 question type - multiple choice. I wasn't involved in subsequent trials/testing but not sure if there were any?

Community Participant

This is one of the reasons I refuse to bring my buildings to this quiz system, that and the printing issue. 

Community Explorer

This feature must be a priority!  I have so many teachers who are interested in using New Quizzes.....but when the find out all or none is the only option, interest is GONE.  This has been a request for over two years!  I am shocked that this has not happened yet, especially with so much interest.  I upvoted this ages ago, and kept encouraging the teachers in my district to do the same.  Anytime I meet with someone from Canvas, I ask about this.  

Community Participant

I am absolutely flummoxed that this item still has not been addressed after all of this time.  I feel like I've seen numerous posts and ideas up for voting for this concept, with many people in favor.  I love Canvas and have been singing its praises to my colleagues for years, but the lack of implementation of something that seems to be fairly straightforward has diminished my enthusiasm for Quizzes.Next.

Community Member

Coming up on two years for resolution to provide a partial credit option on matching questions!!!

This should have been the default option when the New Quiz was first designed. I committed to using the new quiz tool this summer and have spent significant time creating many matching questions only to discover today that this ridiculous "all or nothing" grading scheme is the only choice. I'm now faced with manually regrading these for all of my students. It's a great disservice to the students when my time and attention must be diverted away from them to do something that software should do automatically. 

Community Member


It's my first year using canvas, I am wondering if you could fix this issue, or maybe I'm too ignorant to know that there's a solution to my problem.  When making a matching question on a NEW quiz, it will only grade it accurately if the student selects ALL correct answers.  If, for example, I want the kids to match 5 words with 5 definitions, and they get 1 wrong, the entire section is counted wrong (0/5 instead of 4/5).  It's a problem, because I basically can't use the matching feature because I have 180+ students and I have to go in and manually give students points back.

When I create a Multiple Answer question, there's an option that is titled "partial grading with penalty" and another one that's called "exact match".  Those options should also be available for matching questions.

Thank you!

EDIT: Yikes. Just read through the thread, I'm obviously not the only one.  

did figure something out, y'all.  THIS MAY HELP YOU.

Create a "fill in the blank" question.  Insert a table (like a wordbank).  Write what you need, insert your questions, write a dialogue, etc...  Then, where it says "type a statement, select text, etc...", add the answers.  Select the text, make them Open Entry, and Exact Match (or whatever you want, I would do exact match if there's a wordbank).  If you have 15 words in the wordbank, and your students only get 10 of the 15, if you select 15 pts for that question it will ACTUALLY give the student a 10/15!

I think this style of question creating can be adapted to others...matching pictures with words, for example.  Just thought I would leave this here.