[New Quizzes] New Quiz Tool: Bulk Add Questions to an Item Bank

When an instructor migrates a quiz using the option on the quiz page in Canvas, the questions will only exist in the quiz. In order to get the questions in an item bank, the instructor must edit each question to add the question to an item bank. This process will become tedious fast! It would be nice to have a bulk add option in quiz to add the questions to item bank. 

Community Champion

Yes!  Adding all of the questions in a quiz or question group to a new or existing question bank all at once would be much more efficient

Community Explorer

Agreed! Also, it appears that you can't add questions from a new quiz to an item bank after you have given the quiz? Is this really true?

Community Participant

Yes! We need a bulk/select all option to add multiple questions into an item bank. One at a time is tedious, 

Community Contributor

Yes please! The option to bulk select them in the item bank and put them into a quiz all at once is a very necessary feature too—my institution has dozens of these quizzes to worry about, which means hundreds of questions that all have to be moved manually one by one.

Community Member

Is there an easy way to select all questions when adding questions to test banks in new quizzes?  It takes a long time to add those questions at this moment.  I have to do it one question at a time.  Thanks!

Community Participant

I agree- in new quizzes this is especially tedious if you are going back to an old quiz and trying to add those questions to a bank for a final or unit test. The questions have this error message that comes up when you try to edit them - you have to click "edit a copy" and then bank the item. You aren't changing the question at all, just adding it to your bank. It shouldn't have to be done one question at a time.

Community Participant

Yes, another area where New Quizzes fall short!

Community Member

I notice this thread started in December of 2019. It's now July of 2022 and I don't see any solution to the problem of having to add New Quiz questions one at a time to an item bank. Once again it's "death by a thousand clicks." 

Canvas, are you on it?

And if I'm correct, you also can't export a QTI package from an existing New Quiz in order to bulk upload to a new bank.  Am I missing something? Any ideas for a work around?

Community Member

Same thing here. Migrating to Canvas from another LMS and only able to import test banks from the other LMS to Canvas as Classic Quizzes/Question Banks. No big deal, I should be able to just move from QB's to Item Banks easily. Nope - its like I have to migrate twice. The process strikes me as being a major oversight and one that, according to the dates on this thread, has persisted now for almost three years. 


Community Member

This is needed!