[New Quizzes] Item Banks - copy / move / organize / sort (more file management)

Problem statement:

It would be great to have more "file manager" like option in BANKS. I would like to sort and group my questions in the bank. Maybe create groups or folders of questions by criteria. Then I would like options for moving them around. I would like to sort them by title, group, type of question, and other criteria. Maybe add headers to the questions or descriptions. It would be REALLY great to have any question in the bank indicate if it is already being used on a QUIZ!!! (and which one) Currently the question / item banks are so static and non-helpful.

Proposed solution:

I have hundreds of questions in banks and currently have to slog through each one and click it open and see what it says, and then what type it is, and then decide if I have used it before. I want to organize them in the bank and sort and group them. Why are they so static? And I cannot even see what the answers are for each question without clicking the "edit" button (for question banks)! The new Item Banks are getting better, but I still cannot group and organize or sort or move them around easily (WITHIN the bank). I still don't know what quiz any of them are associated with. Can we have the little 6 dot "handle" on the question to move them around? How about a check box on each question that you can click to assign a "tag" to that group?

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