[New Quizzes] Item Bank Tags - Ability to Update tag name

Problem statement:

When managing tags in an item bank, there is not a possiblity to rename the tag. We have been using Item Banks with New Quizzes for over 2 years now and some of our tags were based on lessons or course names, and due to regulatory or other reasons, those names have changed. Our option today is to either recreate the tag in it's entirety and re-add it to each and every question, or continue to use tags with old names.

Proposed solution:

We would like an option to update the name of a tag in some way or another to cut down on admin work but keep our tag names as accurate as possible. Easiest of course would be if it could be done via the Item Bank UI but any option to update it would be greatly appreciated/beneficial to our designers. Perhaps this could be via SIS_import, such as how you can update the SISID of a user via SIS import. Or perhaps an API call to update the name of the tag. Right now we have at least 50 tags that were based on lesson names which have changed as our syllabi have changed. My colleagues, in most cases, are opting to use out of date tags as they cannot commit the time it would take administratively to update each question by removing and adding a new tag. I see additional benefits from being able to rename tags as well, as it could make it easier to know when a tag was last reviewed or used. Perhaps you made a set of questions for AY 22-23, but you have re-viewed them and you want to update the tag to indicate that. Thanks!

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
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