[New Quizzes] Immediate feedback in quizzes

Many times, we write quizzes that get progressively more difficult. I would love a feature where students can get grades as they go on a quiz. In other words, they can submit their answer for question 1 and see correct answers and/or comments before they have to submit their answer for question 2.  By doing such, a student could determine if they are on a completely wrong trajectory before failing an entire quiz. This can maximize effectiveness of instructor comments, identify key basic misunderstandings before advancing, give immediate feedback for the student, and allow the quiz to be both a learning and assessment tool.


Currently, the only option to do this is to create multiple one question quizzes instead of a single multi question quiz. This is not only cumbersome, but can be awkward within Grades (especially if you have settings to drop high/low scores)

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Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Member
Problem statement:

New Quizzes do not allow single question submission. An entire quiz, assignment, or set of learning exercise must be completed and submitted before feedback is received. This makes assignments of 20 or 40 questions almost impossible.

Proposed solution:

Student learning benefits greatly from frequent feedback. It would be enormously beneficial to enable students to submit their answers to single questions and have the option of multiple tries (with or without penalty) before they proceed to the next question. Certainly when quiz/assignment function is used a a learning exercise this option is essential. Even when I use quizzes primarily for summative rather than formative assessment, it is better if student can check their answers to each question before proceeding. In my past experience with this option has always existed. My hundreds of learning exercises (quiz question) written in Moodle have transferred well into Canvas, but I will be unable to use them unless I divide each week's assignment in to 20 to 40 mini-assignment . Cumbersome to say the least and a nightmare for the Gradebook. Excuse my upset tone, but I really think adding this feature to New Quizzes is the single most far reaching feature you could add. I feel confident that hundreds if not thousands of users would benefit. Thank you. Bob Greeney

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

Hi Bob! It looks like we already have an idea called [New Quizzes] Immediate feedback in quizzes that is in our Theme for Provide more options to provide quiz feedback to students.  Can you review and confirm that this covers what you are requesting and then we can merge the two ideas. Thank you for your idea!  

Community Member

responding to the following comment, I agree that my posting is asking for the same feature as the feature requested below.

Hi Bob! It looks like we already have an idea called [New Quizzes] Immediate feedback in quizzes that is in our Theme for Provide more options to provide quiz feedback to students.  Can you review and confirm that this covers what you are requesting and then we can merge the two ideas. Thank you for your idea!  

It seems I am unable to post any comment under that other Theme.  Are comments closed or am I not seeing how to comment?

Community Team
Community Team

Hi! Currently, comments are not available under themes, but that will change during the next voting window. How do I participate with themes? 

Community Member
Problem statement:

My school used to use Moodle. One feature I really miss is the option for immediate feedback for each question in the quizzes. For example, I may set up a quiz so that they could have multiple attempts. Within that feature, they could see their results after they've submitted their work OR when they submit each question. For larger assignments, I like giving them the ability to see their results as soon as they enter an answer for each question. I also had the option of either averaging the scores or taking the highest score for each question.

Proposed solution:

What I would really like to see within quizzes is the ability to setup so that they have multiple attempts for each question and getting immediate feedback as they enter each question and not waiting to the end, after they've submitted the whole quiz. I may give a 10-50 question quiz and at the end they've discovered they missed a few questions. Too many of the students are willing to give up and not attempt the quiz again. If they have 2-4 attempts for each question and can re-attempt individual questions (up until the set limit), students would be more apt to perform better and ask questions if they don't do well.

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Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Participant
Problem statement:

Students only see the feedback after each attempt on a quiz. Our Biology department would like to have students attempt a question, get feedback, and apply their skills to the next questions.

Proposed solution:

Allow for an option for students to see if their answer is correct or incorrect after each question attempt and get feedback.

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