[New Quizzes] Display Total Points on Hover in New Gradebook

In the old Gradebook, you are able to hover over the total grade column and see [number of points earned] / [number of points possible].


In the New Gradebook, you can view the total grades by points, but there's no way to see  [number of points earned] / [number of points possible].


It would be very helpful for faculty members to be able to see at-a-glance how many points are possible at any given time in their course.



Old Gradebook on Hover



New Gradebook on Hover

Community Participant

It would also be helpful if the comments for a graded assignment/quiz appeared when hovering over the score, without having to click and open the sidebar.

Community Explorer

I agree, I really appreciated being able to hover and see the totals at a glance. I also wish we could still click to speedgrader from the gradebook.  That was very helpful. and this business of going back to the assignment and clicking through is too many steps away. If i want to see a particular student's assignment, I have to wade through all the others, rather than being able to click right on it from the Grade Book. Please bring those two functions back.

Community Participant

Hello agrimstadand  @cdavis1921 , Maybe I'm missing your question, but in new Gradebook you can click on the total grade for a student and see the "points/of points" for that student. No, hover doesn't work, but the click will. Smiley Happy  As for SpeedGrader access, you can click on the dots menu from the column to get to SpeedGrader or you can click on the student grade. A small right pointing arrow will appear with options to access SpeedGrader for that student. Hope that helps!

Community Member

Totally agree.  It would be nice if it was just a default that when we displayed the totals it was a percentage and we could see total points possible.  Right now, I just have to give the test student 100% on everything and then check the points. 

Community Explorer

 There is currently no way to see what the total points are for your Total Final Grade as a professor. You have to go through each graded assignment and calculate yourself. There should be an easy way to see how many total points make up the Total Final Grade. If you have a course that should be 1000 points, there is no easy what to confirm the points for the course are correct. This would be extremly useful when making sure grades are correct in a course, that there are no extra assignments or graded items being counted. Maybe text in the Total Final Grade column stating the max number of points for the Total Final Grade. 

Community Participant

It would be nice if the total column showed the "out of" field the way individual assignments do - I think that would be even easier for faculty than the hover-over option. That being said, the hover-over was a great feature of the old gradebook and I am not sure why it was removed from the new gradebook. 

Community Member

As Carpenter noted, you can hover over an individual student's total grade to show the total points (e.g., 180/220). However, this only works for me if I have the total column displayed as a percentage. If the total grade is displayed as points, hovering just gives you the percentage. Also, total points when hovering equals the total number of points a student has attempted, not the total points in the grade book. So ungraded points are not included. You only get total points for the course when hovering when all columns in the grade book have a score, so at the end of the semester. Yes, it would be nice to just be able to hover over the top of the total column and get the total number of points possible in the course for all columns entered. It would be fantastic if instructors could determine how many points a quiz column is so extra credit could easily be included (such as having 105 points to make 100 with any points over 100 extra credit).

Community Explorer
Problem statement:

We recently switched to Canvas, and our faculty are asking for a feature our prior LMS offered. The LMS we moved from allowed faculty to hover over the total column to see a running total of the assignments, tests, and discussions added together.

Proposed solution:

This is something that our faculty had used in our prior LMS. They have come to rely on this feature.

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