New Quizzes: Dashboard To Do

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

As with the original quizzes on canvas, when a student submits a New Quizzes (Quizzes.Next) assessment and there are items that need to be reviewed it should show up on our teacher dashboard in our To Do list so we know to submissions have been made so we can more easily access them in speedgrader to grade.

Community Member

I shouldn't have to go into grades to grade assessments, it should pop up in my to do list like assignments do!

Community Participant

Since it has been over three years since quizzes next has come out and this thread has been up almost three years itself, this way of asking Instructure to add something to ease our pain over this.  I think maybe we all should take another approach.  

Maybe we ALL should create our own idea.  Maybe having over 200 different suggestions would make them see how important this really is.  I do not understand why they have put this off so long.  As a software engineer, I cannot see why this is such a difficult take to implement.

Community Member

Teachers at my school would also love this feature. We use both types of Quizzes, but it would be most helpful on New Quizzes

Community Novice

This feature would save so much time.  When a student retakes a quiz (I'm using New Quizzes) I get no notification unless the student remembers to email me.  I'd love them to remember, but that doesn't always happen with middle school. It would also be helpful if quizzes appeared in our to-do list if they needed grading.  I'm pretty thorough, but every once in awhile I miss one when I'm grading written responses so the grade appears lower than it actually is.  

Community Member

Yes PLEASE remedy this. This makes it almost impossible to allow late work without going back over and over to double-check if any new submissions have been made.

Community Member

New Quizzes is not consistent with accessing SpeedGrader and does not show notification in the 'To Do' section (as with discussions or old quizzes) when an instructor has a submission to grade.  Showing these items there and adding a quick access button to grade them would be most appreciated as opposed to the current path where I must now click through grades, scroll to the assignment, click on the drop down, and then finally select speed grader. 

Another advantage was for new instructors taking over courses, they may not even know an assignment requires their attention!  This was the case for me.  Thanks!





Community Member

Seeing new quizzes on to-do list once a student takes it is essential for providing valuable feedback.

Community Member

Same.  I'm glad to find this request because I assumed that I just didn't know how to use a setting of some sort.  Please prioritize this to maximize our efficiency.

Community Member

I vote for this, too.

Community Explorer

Yes! I put forth a similar request so I'm commenting here to make this wheel squeakier. 🙂