[New Quizzes] Conditional Completion Feedback Text

Problem statement:

When a learner opens a New Quiz that they have already completed, it is not immediately obvious that they already completed that quiz. The only way they can determine that the quiz has been completed is the call-to-action button being "View Results" instead of "Begin". The Quiz description text does not change if they have completed the Quiz.

Proposed solution:

As a learner who opens a New Quiz that I have already completed before I want to see a clear message confirming that I have competed this quiz with the latest score result, so that I know that I have passed (or failed) and do not have to do this Quiz again. The description text on the quiz landing page should be different depending on the state of the last attempt. For example: * Not yet attempted: "Instructions on completing the quiz.." * Last attempt successful (Passed): "Well done, you passed.. click Next to move on to the next module" * Last attempt unsuccessful (Failed): "You didn't pass.. you need to do some learning. click Next to move onto the learning in your Mastery Path" Have a pass/fail threshold on a standalone quiz, with alternative description texts depending on the pas or fail status. And/Or when part of a Mastery Path, define the feedback texts that will display on the Quiz landing page as part of each mastery path swim lane config. (i.e. If score above 70% display "ABC", else if score between 50%-70% display "DEF", else display "GHI")

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme