[New Quizzes] Breadcrumbs for Clarity
In New Quizzes, I can’t see which quiz I am working on (aside from remembering and/or assuming I clicked on the correct one from the list). In Old Quizzes I can see breadcrumbs at the top confirming the quiz name when I go to add questions. It is still there when editing details or adding questions. (I see CourseName > Quizzes > SpecificQuizName)
In New Quizzes, I see the breadcrumbs when I first go into the quiz, but once I go to Build or Settings or Moderate I can no longer see which quiz I am editing. I can see the “Title” field in Build mode, but if the quiz was copied from a template or prior quiz this may not mean much. If quizzes have mostly question banks the content isn’t readily visible. When I go to Settings or Moderate there is no quick/simple way to verify which quiz I am working on, aside from clicking back and then into it again.
Add breadcrumbs or at least the quiz name to the top of the screen when editing New Quizzes. It would be nice to have the course name too since I often have multiple classes I'm working on, but the quiz name would help a lot.