[New Quizzes] Breadcrumbs for Clarity

Problem statement:

In New Quizzes, I can’t see which quiz I am working on (aside from remembering and/or assuming I clicked on the correct one from the list). In Old Quizzes I can see breadcrumbs at the top confirming the quiz name when I go to add questions. It is still there when editing details or adding questions. (I see CourseName > Quizzes > SpecificQuizName)

In New Quizzes, I see the breadcrumbs when I first go into the quiz, but once I go to Build or Settings or Moderate I can no longer see which quiz I am editing. I can see the “Title” field in Build mode, but if the quiz was copied from a template or prior quiz this may not mean much. If quizzes have mostly question banks the content isn’t readily visible. When I go to Settings or Moderate there is no quick/simple way to verify which quiz I am working on, aside from clicking back and then into it again.


Proposed solution:

Add breadcrumbs or at least the quiz name to the top of the screen when editing New Quizzes. It would be nice to have the course name too since I often have multiple classes I'm working on, but the quiz name would help a lot.


User role(s):
