[New Quizzes] Better item bank filtering for Canvas admins

Problem statement:

Canvas account admins with "Item banks - Manage Account" permission have access to all item banks in all courses, potentially thousands or or tens of thousands of item banks. In order to assist with item bank problems, admins need to be able to locate banks that belong to or have been shared with specific people, accounts, or courses. Yet currently, the only options for narrowing the list are searching by bank name or filtering on broad categories (all banks, the institution, this course, etc), neither of which would likely yield the desired subset of banks. Searching by bank name, for example, can produce a long list of identically and similarly named item banks with no indication of who created the banks and/or where they're sed. Simply put, admins need better tools for finding banks so they can assist faculty and staff with bank related problems.

Proposed solution:

Allow admins to search item banks to be searched by multiple criteria:

  • account owner
  • individuals with whom the bank has been shared
  • courses with which the bank has been
  • accounts with which the bank has been shared
  • shared banks containing questions with specific keywords

The additional criteria will help admins narrow down the huge collection to just those banks that are the focus of a problem or inquiry. Also, when displaying the list of matching banks, it would be very helpful if additional metadata for the bank could also be shown to clarify questions owns the bank and the users, courses, and accounts  with which the bank has been shared.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Contributor

Hi @KristinL .  I noticed that all the formatting in my original posts was lost after they were opened.  Is that normal?

Community Team
Community Team

Hi @leward -

When "editing" an idea, yes, some of the formatting appears as it goes away. Once saved again though, it returns! It has to do with some awesome script we have running in the intake form we use for Ideas!

Community Contributor

@KristinL I should have said that differently. The formatting was gone after you changed the status to “open”.  I had to edit the idea to bring back the      formatting.  Line breaks were lost which made it hard to read.  

Community Team
Community Team

Oh, yes. That does happen, unfortunately. Thank you for editing and adding those back in. It makes it easier for others to read your suggestion!

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme