[New Quizzes] Attached questions stay fixed to stimulus in item bank

What I want to be able to do is attach questions to a stimulus, then create an item bank of the stimuli with the associated questions fixed to each specific stimuli, to randomise the questions. This feature would really provide more robust, deep learning assessment.


Currently,  with Item Banks and New Quizzes in general, they will always save as separate pieces instead of one cohesive whole since Stimuli and Questions themselves are separate in the system. 

Community Member

This would be a very strong addition to new quizzes. It would allow randomization of the stimulus + questions which is more powerful than the existing tools. I have tried to use detailed stimuli as sources for question material not really supported in new.quizzes but the questions need to be linked to the stimulus in ways that are not currently supported.

Community Novice

This will be a very good new feature for new Quizzes. All the community could to do differents stimulus with the questions group randomized. I hope that this new feature can to be incluided in the future realese durring this year.

Best regard from to Universidad de Chile

Community Explorer

This would be a very helpful tool in making Canvas quizzes more powerful for a math classroom. The desire to add a diagram or prompt and then link multipart questions to it is common when I am trying to figure out how to make meaningful assessments for a math class on Canvas. Many times I feel like I have to choose between best security and repeatability (Question Banks) and best content and test design (multipart, linked questions).

Community Explorer

My University just switched from Blackboard to Canvas. In Bb, you were able to have two levels of randomization. That is, students would randomly receive one group of questions. That isn't available in Canvas. I thought the Stimulus questions would be a great way to solve that, but without attaching the associated questions I don't really see the point of the Stimulus questions.

Community Contributor

I agree with all of the above comments completely! The ability to randomize stimuli greatly increases exam security and that's only possible if the stimulus and questions stay attached in an Item Bank. Faculty ask for this feature all the time!

Community Member

yes please!! I really hope this feature is added soon!!

Community Explorer

It would be helpful if when creating a question set with stimulus, there was a way to link the questions to the stimulus. If that were possible, we could randomize our test and the questions would stay linked to the stimulus in which they belong.

Community Explorer

While it is possible to associate questions with a stimulus in a quiz, the questions lose their association with the stimulus in the question bank.  This makes, eg,  randomly pulling questions from the bank impossible -- as stimulus questions without the stimulus are oftern... nonsensical.  Please allow users to associate stimulus questions and stimuli in the bank. 

Community Explorer

I would very much like this to happen also.  I would also like the ability to set the conditions in the stimulus and have the variables carry to all of the attached questions.  For physics and engineering, this would allow for multiple questions to be asked about the same situation without the students starting from scratch for each part of a question.

Community Member

This would be a huge advantage! I teach statistics and most of the problems are based off a stimulus with the data/scenario. There is no existing way to create similar questions and randomize what students receive while keeping the stimuli attached to the questions.

Ideally I would like to create several similar stimuli with associated questions, bank the stimuli, and randomly choose one to insert in the quiz with its associated questions automatically following. What I currently have to do is create multiple entire assignments with different permutations of possible stimuli, and then assign them to individual students instead of the whole class, which then interferes with trying to sync the data from Canvas to our gradebook software.