[New Quizzes] Allow Sensible Handling of Highest Score with Late Submission Penalty with Multiple Attempts
Consider a 5 point quiz set to multiple attempts, highest score, and late penalty. Suppose a student takes the quiz on time and earns 4.5/5. The student then uses the quiz a second time for practice after the due data and earns 5/5 but is scored at 2.5 because of a 50% late submission penalty. I expect (and my students expect) that the student's gradebook score will be 4.5, but currently it will be the very surprising 2.5. I have not been able to find anyone who expects the current behavior, so I urge you to classify the current behavior as a UX bug. I see that this unexpected behavior was reported on GitHub in 2018 (here: https://github.com/instructure/canvas-lms/issues/1354) but nobody has been assigned to it.
For the purpose of computing a "highest score", use the post-penalty scores not the pre-penalty scores. This is the ordinary meaning of "highest score" and is expected by students and teachers alike.