[New Analytics] Ungrading: Produce metrics for % of assignments submitted on time for a student
I am attempting to implement principles of ungrading in my classroom. One principle is to incentivize good work rather than punish bad work. In my case, my students take a daily reading quiz. It's important that they do this ahead of class to be ready for lecture, and so that they don't fall behind, but many of my students have accommodations or other life circumstances that make deadlines difficult. I would like to allow for late quiz submissions BUT offer extra credit if students turn in 80% of their quizzes on time.
I would like for Canvas to be able to produce a report for me showing % of late work by student by assignment category. Currently, I can only see late work on an case-by-case basis, which is not feasible for large classes. I believe this could easily be implemented in the "new analytics" by adding a filter by assignment group, and selecting the option to report by student (thus creating an lateness % for each student for each assignment category).