[Modules] Optional automated numbering on module items

Problem statement:

Numbering items within modules can help with student navigation. For example:

Module 1

  • 1.1 Overview
  • 1.2 Tutorial
  • 1.3 Activity etc...

However, this all needs to be done manually by naming each item and if you need to reorder items or add something new, it requires renaming all the other items to fit the numerical order. It's similar manual work if you want to put the module number or name in the item headings, for example:

  • Week 5 Overview
  • Week 5 Preparation
  • Week 5 Lecture
  • Week 5 tutorial
  • Week 5 Quiz
Proposed solution:

The proposed solution would be a function that allows for automated numbering and/or naming when you create a module. When you go to Add Module, the pop-up has options for 'module name', 'lock until', and 'prerequisites'.

There could be another option in the list for 'automate item numbering/naming'. If I check this option, I can check a box for either 'numbers' or 'module name' (and perhaps both but that seem more than needed). - See Attached Screenshot for a mock-up

So when I next go to add an item to the Module I just created, it will have either a numerical marker in the title or repeats the module name. The numbers would automatically adjust when an item is moved to a new location in a module and the titles can still be edited.

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Status changed to: Added to Theme

This idea has been added to a theme for further consideration.