[Modules] Inline Review Questions

Problem statement:

The platform currently does not support inline review questions. Inline review questions are important to engage learners and help them retain information. For the current New Quizzes feature, the feedback does not function well. disabling auto grading will disable feedback feedback is showing : feedback for correct answer" phrase before is displaying before the feedback. this is should not be displayed to learners.

Proposed solution:

As a course author, I would like to be able to add inline review questions every 10 minutes of reading within each modules. Review questions should not be graded (As an Author, I should be able to disable grading), and I should be able to provide feedback for learners to explain the correct answer: feedback for correct answer, for incorrect answer, and general feedback to explain, one question on a page, feedback should be be displayed right after submitting the question. it is also important to be able to duplicate that review question

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Status changed to: Added to Theme