[Modules] Distinction in Module Header Text

Problem statement:

Currently, there is limited ability to distinguish between Module headers and text headers. Modules that possess a significant amount of content become very convoluted and are difficult to navigate as a result of the lack of visual separation.

Proposed solution:

While recoloring is not a possibility due to Accessibility constraints, it would be beneficial to distinguish between headers and content through other means beyond indenting, such as by allocating the ability to adjust the font size, bold, underline, etc. As described in Canvas's General Accessibility Design Guidelines ( What are the Canvas accessibility standards? - Instructure Community ), "section headings allow for a quick scan of the content for sighted and non-sighted users." This ability is not currently possible for Module headers or text headers. This functionality would create better visual separation and flow in modules while still adhering to and honoring the Accessibility guidelines.

User role(s):


Community Member

I agree, the ability to distinguish module headers and text headers would be awesome. Being able to bold or change the size of text would be beneficial. It is difficult for students to visually follow longer modules

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Status changed to: Open
Community Contributor

A terrific way to create visual interest and appeal is to use emojis!

For example, I use this set of text headers in each of my weekly modules for an ESL reading course. My students and I can easily find what we are looking for. 

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Community Participant

@SusanNiemeyer Thank you for the suggestion. I recently recommended this as a potential solution to a high school teacher and they are employing this to a degree for one of their classes. Even with using emojis as well as CAPS, the instructor and I both felt compelled to request more functionality with text in Modules overall. While this particular instructor was open to the use of emojis, there are some who are not.

Community Contributor


I agree with you that the text headers could be improved visually. Rather than a change in font, I'd like to be able to select a light background color to shade each text heading - yellow, light blue, light green, pink, light purple, and so on. 

Community Member

Thank you  for requesting this feature. It will make navigating modules with lots of content lot easier. 

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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Added to Theme