[Modules] Disabling the next button if requirement has not been met

Problem statement:

When using requirements in Modules, the "Next" button that is found at the bottom of the page is always active even it the requirement has not been met yet. Prompting users to the think that they can continue to move on, even if they can't. This is a particular problem with SCORM related objects that has an "submit trigger" as many of them also have a "next" button as part of the SCORM player or in the SCORM object. People often get confused between moving on using "next" in the SCORM object vs completion the Module requirement and moving on to the next item in module or the next module.

Proposed solution:

When using requirements in Modules, I'm proposing the the "Next" button does not appear for the user until the module requirement(s) have been met. Therefore not giving the illusion that a user can move on to the next thing in a module or the next module, whatever being the case.

User role(s):
