[Mobile - Canvas Teacher] Record audio/video in discussion post

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


As far as I can tell, one can record audio/video in a Discussion on the Student App, but not on the Teacher App.

This means a teacher has to leave the Teacher app and enter the Student App to reply with audio/video in a discussion board.

Since audio/video feedback is available on the Teacher app, it would be awesome if a Teacher also could reply to discussions with audio/video (huge for our World Languages teachers, ESL teachers, ASL teachers, and everyone else....)

Thank you!

Community Team
Community Team

 @Hildi_Pardo  ~ Thank you for taking the time to submit this idea. I think that having the ability to leave audio/video as an instructor directly from the Canvas Teacher‌ app would be really valuable. I can think of several great use-cases for this feature. I am going to call on  @rseilham and Canvas Mobile Users‌ in hopes that your idea sees a little more traffic! Smiley Happy

Community Champion

I am not  @ryans ‌, but I have heard the call and have voted for this excellent feature request. Smiley Happy 

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you,  @KristinL ‌ and @Dallas E Hulsey!   Seems like it's something that could easily be added since it works on the student app, and audio/video feedback already works on the Teacher app 🙂

Community Champion

 @Hildi_Pardo ‌, 

You can create a discussion post and attach audio/video, but as you said, it's not available on reply.  On Android, you can attach video and media to a reply, but you can't record ONLY audio. This isn't available anywhere in the Android app and is exclusive to the iOS app. In short, this is mainly an iOS issue and not Android, just in case anyone comes across this and is confused. Thanks! 

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thanks for the clarification,  @rseilham ‌ -- yes, we use iPads in our school district.

Community Participant

I tried it in the Student App and couldn't do it in that app either so would like if you could do it in both Apps please #discussion #podcast #podcast discussion

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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Added to Theme
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Completed

The feature has been implemented since then.

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Comments from Instructure


This feature was included in quick updates that occurred during Q2 of 2020.