[Mobile - Canvas Teacher] Please Bring Back Swiping On iPad!!
In previous versions of the Canvas for Teachers app on my iPad I could swipe from student to student when grading a question on a Quiz that was a combination of multiple choice and short asnwer. So, I would open the assignment in To Do, grade a question or two on an assignment, and then swipe to the next student that had completed the same assignment, and grade the next student's work. This functionality has now disappeared on both my iPad and iPhone. This is indescribably frustrating and defeats the whole purpose of using the iPad because, of course, the Web browser SpeedGrader just cycles through students rather than going directly to assignments that need grading. Please please please bring this functionality back. I cannot imagine what possessed you to take it out but the increased burden on teachers is imply enormous.
Allow swiping from a graded assignment to the next ungraded assignment . So, after I grade a student's work, i want to be able to swipe to get to the next ungraded Quiz or Project in that same assignment group. So, if I am grading Colonial Era quizzes, I want to be able to swipe from one ungraded Colonial Era quiz to the next without having to go through all of the Colonial Era quizzes I have already graded.