Missing Assignment Report

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2020-09-19)

Teachers would like to print a report listing only Missing Assignments.  This report would be sent to academic support personnel to facilitate assignment completion.  Teachers should be able to print the "Missing Assignment Report" directly from Canvas.

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Community Novice

This feature is so necessary for our support staff.  Being able to see what is missing and work with students to "catch up" would be a great feature.  In Power Teacher we are able to print reports of missing assignments.  We would like to have this feature for Canvas too.

Community Novice

It is things like this that keep my colleagues from being willing to use Canvas.  I know that ideally, we would be differentiating instruction and kids would be on their own unique learning paths scored according to progress on outcomes and yadayada.  But in reality, a lot of classrooms still look like "every kid needs to do these assignments and if they don't they get a zero" and in those classrooms, kids and teachers need to be able to access a simple list of missing assignments.

Community Novice

This idea is coming from an admin level, but I think it would be useful to students as well. I have used the "set missing assignments to 0" feature at the end of the course so that a student can see both what is happening to his/her grade and it is more obvious where the problems are. But due to the long horizontal-ness of the gradebook, it is difficult to navigate. Being able to click a "show past due, uncompleted assignments" button and see what they're missing, I think, would really help students.

Community Participant

My students are enrolled in multiple courses at same time.  This would be helpful for me to monitor if a student has lost track of his progress.   It may even be helpful if the students can quick view "missing assignments".  The report should include the course name also.

Community Participant

To piggy back on this great idea, my teachers have a hard time entering all of the missing work when it is finally turned in. They find scrolling through the gradebook for one student tedious and error-prone. I have proposed a feature that would allow teachers enter scores on the Student Grades page which currently lists all of an individual student's assignments and scores but is not editable by the teacher. I think these two ideas go hand in hand. Please vote for both ideas. Thanks.


Community Member

This is SO necessary and a feature of nearly every other online grade book I have ever used.

Community Novice

This is another one of those non-negotiable features in a K-12 market. I didn't think to ask about it when we were vetting Canvas because I've never seen a grade book without it.

Community Participant

Is there some work around the this in the mean time?  We need this report, but don't want to wait the time it takes to develop it.  Even if the work around was clunky it would be great to have.

Community Champion

We have built an LTI report for our faculty, allowing them to run a report that will identify students with missing work.

Taking it a step further, it would be good to detect students whose grades are below a specific threshold.

Going one step further, this report should be available at the account and sub-account level, so "department chairs" or "advisors" could have access to better detect students who are in trouble.  It would be REALLY nice if the report would include some attendance information (a key indicator for at-risk in many cases).