[Learning Mastery Gradebook] Student Sorting Functionality

Problem statement:

In the Traditional Gradebook in Canvas students are sorted alphabetically. There is also the functionality to change how they are sorted (by SIS ID, etc.). However, they are not sorted that way in the Learning Mastery Gradebook and there is not ability to change how they are sorted overall. You can change how they are sorted based on their scores for a particular outcome, but you are not able to sort alphabetically by name unless you have a column for an unscored outcome that you can click on. (In reaching out to Canvas Support, it sounds like the default sort for students in the Learning Mastery Gradebook is by the order in which they were added to the course.

Proposed solution:

Enable the same "Sort by" functionality in the Learning Mastery Gradebook as there is in the Traditional Gradebook and/or have the default sort in the Learning Mastery Gradebook the same as it is in the Traditional Gradebook. The difference in how students are sorted in the two can cause confusion for teachers and they may want to view their students listed in alphabetical order when looking at their overall mastery.

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