[Inbox] Prevent Inactive Students from Replying to previous Course Messages
While students who are set to Inactive enrollment status (dropped students) cannot send "new" Inbox course messages, if the Inactive student was in a previously sent Inbox course message then they can still reply to those messages. Once a student has been set to Inactive, they should be completely blocked from all messages related to the course. We have had numerous teachers complain about Inactive (dropped) students from messaging them just because they were included in previous messages.
Prevent not just new messages but also replying to previous course messages if the user is set to Inactive. It would be great if that can be blocked not just for students but for other course Roles if they are set to Inactive. For example, for teacher reassignment, we prefer to Inactivate rather than remove for historical or investigative purposes but we would want to prevent even those Inactive teachers from being able to message in the course. So once set to Inactive, then block ALL messaging from that course.