[Inbox] Message Threading View

Problem statement:

Hello, Canvas InBox is useless to me without the ability to maintain Message Threading of outgoing AND incoming messages with the same Subject Line. This is a standard VIEW in most email clients. I refuse to use Canvas InBox Messages with students for this reason. With 100+ students per semester I NEED all the previous conversation with each change in the thread to remind me where I am with a particular student support question. This thread must ALSO have automatic BCC to myself so I can see ALL the back and forth in ONE Thread without have to search the InBox AND the Sent folder. Currently I ONLY respond to Canvas Messages from my Instructor Email. That way I have the email thread in my email client AND on Canvas InBox. PLEASE FIX THIS! I see it as a real problem with Inbox and not as a nice-to-have-feature. I cannot keep running conversations with 100+ students without it. I tried once and almost lost my mind! Thanks, Paul Del Rossi

Proposed solution:

Provide Message Threading View in Canvas Inbox so I can see ALL messages (Incoming AND Outgoing ‘Sent’) with the same Subject in Reversed Chronological order with the most recent on top. I see this feature as REQUIRED before I can use constructively.

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