[Inbox] Copy and Paste a list of student names/IDs for Inbox Message

When writing an Inbox message to send to students, you have to either Enter them one-by-one, or select them one-by-one. It is not possible to enter a list of several students at once. As an example, one of our librarians has a course with all students enrolled (over 900 students). She uses the Inbox to reach out to students to remind them of overdue books (in today's scenario, she has around 400 students that need a reminder -- it is just not feasible to go through a list of 900 to click on 400 of them to select). She is able to pull their names from her library system (names or student IDs) and could potentially just copy and paste the list in the To section, but this does not work.
I propose that a user be able to copy and paste a list of names or IDs into the To line of an Inbox message -- this would be similar to how you can do it in the Add People page where you can easily type or paste a series of IDs. This would make it much for quicker and efficient if you have that list of students/IDs.