[Import/Export] Include Connected Content During Course Copy
We are seeing inconsistent "select course content" copy behaviors when using the "Import Content into This Course" button and are requesting improvements.
If a content item selected to copy contains OTHER course artifacts within it, we would like those to automagically also be part of the copy. This does seem to happen sometimes, but not always. So, we are requesting consistency.
Note: I think this used to work before as I don't recall having broken links to course content linked on Pages until more recently when using "select copy".
For example, if a Module is copied and that Module contains a Page in it that has linked content added via the tool in the RCE (files, images, New Quizzes, Assignments, and Discussions) then those would ALSO be copied even if they were not explicitly selected in the "Select Content" window.
Value Add: Users wouldn't need to remember each artifact that might be in a Module or Page that was copied.