[Groups] Bulk upload Groups with different names for self-assign groups

Problem statement:

Students are meant to self-assign into different groups depending on presentation topic/tutorial number. I want to make groups with different names, eg: 10 topicONE groups, 10 topic TWO groups so numbered: topicONE group 01, topicONE group 02 etc, topicTWO groups 01, topicONE group 02 so that students can choose their topic. Either by .csv file or by the UX (or both). No students need to be enrolled in the groups to start.

Proposed solution:

Upload group names via .csv with no students enrolled Or with the test student if they cannot be empty. Alt. have a UX that lets you choose to not enrol any students in groups, and asks you to make x number of groups with name y, and option when adding more groups to make more than one.

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