[Gradebook Settings] Separate Late policies for individual assignments

in the new gradebook it would be great if there were separate policies for each assignment or even for each assignment group.  We have different policies for our participation than for typical assignments for example.  Having one policy for the whole course means this feature is not usable for us.

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Provide more flexible grading options Theme Status: Identified

Community Participant

I, also, agree. I think by assignment may be too fluid, but by assignment group would be perfect. Then I can say for this chunk 10% for being late, this chunk nothing for being late, and this chunk you can't be late on at all. 

Community Novice

I am mostly frustrated that over certain quizzes that I want them to be able to redo over and over again and also use them as review. As I understand it, the current late policy would cause a student to lose points if he went back to the quiz to practice it as a review for the test.

Community Novice

I agree that ideally this should happen on a per assignment basis. Please note that for those of us who use quizzes as auto-graded assignments, the late policy is creating a problem with quizzes that allow multiple attempts. For instance, if a student submits a quiz on time and gets a perfect score and later on they decide to re-try a portion of the quiz for extra practice, Canvas will apply the late penalty on the original grade due to the later date in the new attempt, even though the quiz is set to use the highest grade. I think that it would make more sense to grade the second attempt and apply the late penalty on it and then keep the highest score after having done this.

Community Contributor

A year later, and I'm revising my comment. I'd still like to be able to set the late policy by assignment group, but I'd also love the option to turn it off or to set the status as "none" for an individual assignment. I have quizzes during the first week of class (drop/add week), and have to go back in and manually excuse them for all my "adds"; doesn't sound like a big deal, but it's usually a dozen students times three quizzes. Then we have a similar problem again at the end of the semester, which ends on a Wednesday and throws everybody off their pattern, no matter how many announcements I make warning about the early deadline that week. Now I'm back at it, manually clicking through scores of late assignments, individually excusing each one. I love, love, love the option to have automatic late penalties, but it really does need to be something we can turn on or off by assignment!

Community Participant

If a student submits a quiz after the due date, the score is entered into the grade book. Blackboard required the instructor to manually accept the score. Would like the option for an instructor to accept the points for late quizzes. A lot of our instructors are not experts with Canvas and do not know that submissions are late. Because Canvas enters a late submission's points into the grade book, students doing late work are getting full credit.

Community Novice

This is definitely needed. I have close to 30 quizzes and homeworks in my class that the late policy should apply to and only three that it should not apply to. Yet, I have to accept it for all, or else manually calculate late the late grades for 30.

Also, if you allow multiple submissions for a quiz and specify that the highest score should be kept, if just one quiz attempt is submitted late, the late penalty gets applied to all quizzes--including those that were submitted on time. This is incorrect behavior.

Community Explorer

We would welcome this too and also the ability to apply different late policies to different sections. This would allow us to cap the grade for different level students. 

Community Novice

I was asked by the "Canvas Doc Team" to re-post my comment from another thread (How do I apply a Late Submission policy in the New Gradebook?) here, so I am. I guess I'm asking that the Late Policy feature be applied to individual submissions based upon the date that they are submitted.

****** Re-Post from Late Policy Thread *********

So I applied a late policy to all submissions. I allow students to take the quiz multiple times with the highest score being recorded. When a student takes an attempt late, why does the system also apply the late penalty to ALL submissions for that student on that particular quiz, even the ones done on-time? Why isn't the student score tied to the date that particular submission was made as opposed to the highest score minus a penalty based upon the latest submission?

Here's an on-time submission that was penalized as late when Late submission was made on another try.


The late submission had an original score that was lower than the on-time submission, so it shows the same score.


The Quiz itself, allows for 3 attempts and doesn't close as students are allowed to submit late.


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Community Novice

The current policy takes so much time to amend! Also I would like the policy to choose to begin not right away but a few days after the due date. This covers those getting in behind on IEPs. This idea would help me tremendously.

Community Participant

At first, I liked the idea of assigning a late policy, but as it stands now, I won't be implementing this option as a result of this feedback.

I group my assignments by purpose where some are intended to maintain healthy attendance and interaction, while others are intended to provide extensions to learning by use of textbook use from home as homework. My assignments designed to build and maintain healthy attendance and interaction are 'immediate' in nature, meaning that no late assignments are accepted. Conversely, homework assignments may be late due to their complexity. My goal is to create conditions where all students can thrive in the class by de-emphasizing rigid policy in favor of flexible learning and true mastery of concepts.

By redesigning the Late Policy option to be sensitive to Assignment Groups would be a great way to reflect natural conditions in the classroom, allowing students to focus on the content of the assignment as it was originally designed.