[Gradebook] Exported Grade Format Not Consistent With Displayed Canvas Gradebook Grade Format

Using "Enter Grades as" I deliberately specified that Gradebook scores be displayed as percentages. But exported Excel csv file has the grades in their original raw data format. My grading process requires that the exported Excel cvs file and the Canvas Gradebook use the same format. For example if a homework assignment was out of a raw score of 45 and a student got a score of 33 (= 73.33%) then Canvas Gradebook shows 73.33% but exported Excel cvs file shows 33. I would like the Excel csv file to also show 73.33%.

I deliberately want Canvas Grades to be in percents because students may be disoriented that they got a score of 73.33% on their Pearson's MyMathLab homework but their Canvas displayed score is 33 which may be misinterpreted as 33%.

Yes an email at the beginning of the semester telling the students that their Canvas Gradebook scores are in raw data format could resolve student grade concerns but past experience shows that some students either do not read their email or after a few weeks forget what they read.

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
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I export my grades so that I can calculate them in an Excel spreadsheet.  I have some of the grades as points and others as percentages.  I need them to export in the format that I have them in on Canvas.  Unfortunately, Canvas exports all of them as points.  This creates a lot of unnecessary work for me.  Please make it so that when grades are exported, we have the option to export some as points and others as percentages. 

Normally I would not use two different formats, but many of my grades are imported from a publisher.  The point grades from these grades vary from assignment to assignment and they are a mess to use in calculations.  So I convert them to percentages.  Unfortunately, Canvas converts them back to points and then I need to manually convert about 90 of these varying point grades to percentages one by one.

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Community Team
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