[Gradebook] Downloadable Charts/Graphs from the Learning Mastery Gradebook

Problem statement:

The Learning Mastery Gradebook (LMG) is a great way to show if students are learning a course's stated learning outcomes. The LMG along with the associated color coding offers a "heat map" style of viewing mastery. This data, however can only be exported to a spreadsheet. Also, if teachers or admins would like to present mastery data pie charts (shown when hovering mouse pointer over outcomes), they need to take a screenshot (which is often low quality).

Proposed solution:

A solution to this would be to offer more robust report downloads that are more visually valuable when presenting student (or participant) data to state level stakeholders. I would like to be able to download the LMG view complete with color coded mastery boxes. I would also like to have the ability to download the Learning mastery pie charts for each outcome as well as the achievement graphs for quizzes and any other assignments.

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