[Gradebook] Do Not Collapse Course Navigation Menu in Grades
The Course Navigation Menu auto-collapses when a user clicks "Grades". Educators struggle with this, in that they want to click one of their navigation links to get back "Home", or back to "Assignments" easily. Instead, they are using their browser's back button, or clicking on the "Courses" tool and starting from square one. Educators are very "anti-click" and desire clear paths to get to what they want. The Navigation links are their one-stop-shop in accessing everything they need. There seems to be no qualifying reason to collapse the tools when in the gradebook.
Please keep the Navigation Tools open in the Gradebook, and let the user collapse them on their own if they wish. Educators are very "anti-click" and desire clear paths to get to what they want. The Navigation links are their one-stop-shop in accessing everything they need.