[Gradebook] Complete/Incomplete Regrade

Problem statement:

If a student re-submits work, there is an option to “Use this same grade for the resubmission.” The request is that this link does not work if the grade is “Complete,” as shown above. If I click on this link, it will change the grade to “Incomplete” (which is NOT the “same grade”).

Proposed solution:

I am guessing that the coders (reasonably) thought that there would be no reason for a student to resubmit if they get a Complete (which is incorrect---there are reasons), and they just made the code simpler by having “Use this same grade for the resubmission” really be “Mark this new submission as Incomplete.” I am hoping that we could complicate the code slightly to allow for this to also be “Complete” (or “Excused,” or “---“). This is necessary if we want to keep “Incomplete” as “Incomplete” if they received “Incomplete” on the prior draft, or at least it saves us from having to change the grade from “Incomplete” to “Complete” and back to “Incomplete.” My suggestion would save me from having to change the grade from “Complete” to “Incomplete” back to “Complete.”

User role(s):
