[Gradebook] Batch Updates to score and status

Problem statement:

It takes several individual clicks to either mark assignments missing, excused, or zero them out. In our previous LMS, there was a "batch update" function that allowed teachers to select all unsubmitted student work in an assignment and mark as a zero (for all of them at once). On the flip side, we could also select "completed" and return for a grade, which returned the full points for the students.

Proposed solution:

In our previous LMS, there was a "batch update" function that allowed teachers to select all unsubmitted students and mark as a zero. Or select all "completed" and return for a grade. When returning grades for dozens of students, it saves significant time to be able to "batch update" assignments. It saves clicking on each individual student and entering a grade dozens of times. A batch update can be as few as "select missing," "assign grade," "submit grade" for dozens of students.

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Added to Theme

Community Explorer
Problem statement:

In the gradebook, external / LTI assignments do not auto-mark as missing/zero, so teachers must manually click each student in a class -- one by one -- and change to missing. This is VERY time consuming and unnecessary. The problem I am solving is NOT the automated marking of these missing, but the manual process is laborious. Lack of ability to manually change the STATUS on all student submissions (exclude already-entered grades) just like we can "Set default grade" is the problem to solve. A proposed interface change screenshot is shown below.

Proposed solution:

In the gradebook view, the "set default grade" menu could have a status attached as well the current default grade. Screenshot of proposed interface is below. Here is a mockup of the interface: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uSW4mVEKO_RvBW2lhN3DJAARAYH8LoeD/view?usp=sharing

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Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Member
Problem statement:

Teachers need a way to bulk assign "excused" in the same manner they can bulk add scores using the Default Grade feature or the Apply Score to Ungraded feature. Currently, those gradebook features allow teachers to edit scores by single assignment (Default Grade), by assignment group, and by "total" group (Apply Score to Ungraded). While these features allow numerical values and Default Grades also allows the entry "MI" for missing but neither option allows teachers to enter "EX" or "Excused" in the same manner. Currently, the best option available for teachers is to go one by one through the gradebook entering the excused grade OR export their gradebook, make the changes on the file, and then import the file back into the gradebook. For schools with rolling enrollments, marking assignments excused each week as new students enroll and need to be excused from previous assignments from before their start date, this is very time consuming on a weekly basis and frustrating that other options for bulk editing are available but do not include the "excused" option.

Proposed solution:

Teachers need to be able to excuse assignments on a bulk level. With the other options available to bulk edit scores directly in the gradebook, the "excused" option should be made available within these features as well. Provide an option for marking assignments as "excused" within the Default Grade feature and within the Apply Score to Ungraded feature. This will allow teacher to use the tool for just one assignment if needed or for many assignments, such as when a new student enters the course several weeks after the start of the course.

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Community Member
Problem statement:

What the title says. We are able to do it at the individually for each student, but not for multiple students at once. Currently, we need to mark each individual student as "Excused". Even if they're in a student group, marking as "Excused" marks only one student as excused, which is very odd behavior. It's also not possible to do a gradebook import with EX filled in the cells. This is obviously inconvenient for us TAs (or Teachers), especially if there are a lot of students to be excused. This was once requested on Canvas but was archived. https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Set-Default-Grade-Include-Excused-Late-amp-Mis...

Proposed solution:

Allow the feature to go to Gradebook and mark multiple students in an assignment as "Excused" (or late/missing) at once. Alternatively, allow us to set the default grade of an assignment to "EX". A similar thing could be done for marking multiple assignments as Late/Missing.

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