[Gradebook] Add, Create, or Modify a Calculated or Total Column in the Gradebook


Being able to calculate things in the grade book beyond adding things up or weighting and adding seems like an absolutely necessary feature.  It seems like one of those that comes up repeatedly under various guises, but keeps getting archived.  But, I keep reading that there are lots of people who do more than just add things up to calculated grades.

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Community Team

The Radar idea stage has been removed from the Feature Idea Process.  You can read more about why in the blog post Adaptation: Feature Idea Process Changes.


This change will only impact the stage sort of this idea and will not change how it is voted on or how it is considered during prioritization activities.  This change will streamline the list of ideas 'open for voting', making it easier for you to see the true top voted ideas in one sort, here.

Community Novice

 What users need to know is to go to the voted ideas, search term "weight" and vote yes on 

https://community.canvaslms.com/community/ideas/content?filterID=contentstatus%5Bpublished%5D~object...Thomas RietzSeptember 6, 2018 7:38:26 AM5474-241

With this ability, it seems most of the concerns in previous comments could be addressed by the instructor.  Of course, even this may be an exercise in futility.  Urge your Canvas user colleagues to join the community and vote "yes".

Community Novice

This is a very difficult feature request to find!  I think that we would be seeing a lot more up votes if people knew it existed.  I worked with my canvas IT support on campus for about an hour on this issue and we didn't manage to find this at the time.

I am hoping for additional control over the total calculation, specifically I am hoping to be able to cap the formula at 100% for each category, at the moment extra credit in my participation category is bleeding over to the other areas (it is supposed to max out at 100%, and I am having to pull everything and manually calculate in excel).

A definite up-vote from me... and I'll ask everyone I know to do the same.

Community Participant

Okay, as I read through the thread here, I think this is the feature I'm hoping they develop.

Basically, if I have 10 assignments in the course, but I want the gradebook to show the student's average for assignments 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9.  In other LMSes I have used, I could create a manually calculated column that read something like:

assignment 1 + assignment  2 + assignment 4 + assignment 6 + assignment 8 + assignment 9



So this is the feature that I'd like developed.  It seems like something very basic.  And literally every other LMS has this feature!


Community Participant

And building on MKB's point above, this sort of calculated column isn't only useful at the end of a course: it can be very useful as a checkpoint, to help us make efficient interventions in large classes while there's still time in semester for students to improve. E.g. Count the number of null values (non-submissions) in a set of columns. So in our Logic unit with over 700 students, we could have a checkpoint column partway though the course that would allow us to "Message students who..." have missed a certain number of problem sets, and invite them to check in with their tutor.

Community Novice

We can't create a calculated column on Canvas !!?? What is this, stone age? With 21st century technology that can take us to the moon, why are we forced to use this software?

Community Novice

I agree, but we went to the moon with 20th century technology.

Community Novice

hahaha, yea but using calculator to add grades from two columns is 16th century technology, looks like we haven't made progress in this regard.

Community Novice

Here I am at the end of another semester with students looking at a grade or score in Canvas that is not the grade based on the weights I assign to homeworks, exams, etc.  When will the madness end?  I just read someone's post about features of the new Canvas gradebook, but didn't see weighting or calculated columns.  I am so tempted to tell the students there is a one letter grade penalty (so no one gets an A) for the University requiring me to use an LMS that doesn't allow this and if they don't like it, contact the provost.

Community Member

The issue goes way beyond this simple and advisable request.  At the most basic level ALL LMS gradebooks are inadequate to the general population of instructors who use innovative and idiosyncratic grading methods and modalities.  In my case I use spreadsheet (Excel) for all actual grading since it has the widest possible range of mathematical and logical operators and configurations.  As a result, I want the LMS gradebook to function simply as a secure and confidential means of posting individual grades.  By building into the gradebook automatic features without an instructor defeat capacity, Canvas simply causes great confusion for my students and frustration for me.  The gradebook should have the capacity to allow minimalist use of its features such that: (1) columns can be added or deleted by the instructor independent of a forced link to "assignments"; (2) easy import/export capacity to basic software such as Excel so as to allow posting of grades; (3) simple grade posting that does not force multiple modes (e.g., points with letter grades or percentages in order to post letter grades or possibilities for simple posting of alternative grades) the ability to exclude total columns altogether and replace them with user generated final grade columns; etc. 

Why do all LMS developers think they know best what instructors need and want from a gradebook.  Its fine to build in simplifying operations for lower common denominator users who value simplicity over all else.  But why hobble experienced and committed users who want far more fine tuned grading capacities.  I just don't get it.