[External Tools] windowTagret parameter should be functional for more LTI placements

Problem statement:

Some LTI tools do not function if embedded or out in an iframe. Setting the windowTarget parameter to "_blank" in the LTI config launches the LTI tool in anew window/tab for course or account placements, but even though the parameter can be set for placements like user_navigation or global_navigation, it doesn't function for those. This means some LTIs restricted to only be available in a couple placements, which should not be the case. I Have already raised the issue with Canvas support, and was informed that I'd have to make a feature idea for this functionality.

Proposed solution:

When the windowTarget is set to _blank for a particular LTI placement, Canvas should launch the LTI in a new tab/window. This currently works for course or account placements, but we need it to work for at least user_navigation and global_navigation as well. Ideally the setting would work for any menu-level type placement.

User role(s):


Added to Theme

1 Comment
Status changed to: Added to Theme

Thank you for this suggestion. I have added it to our "Decrease friction when launching and using LTI tools" theme for further consideration.