[External Tools] Expand LTI 1.3 tool "visibility" options for User Navigation placement

Problem statement:

A Canvas site may want to configure an LTI 1.3 tool that is used only by instructors. They may want this tool to be available in a standardized location, like the User Account page as described here:


There are visibility controls available on the User Navigation placement, however from here 'admins' really just means actual Canvas admins. This is different from the visibility options available using a course navigation LTI 1.1 or 1.3 placement where 'admins' visibility has been overloaded to also include instructors ( from above URL on course navigation visibility: "admins means only Teachers, TAs, Designers and account admins will see the link.")

This makes sense to be different since the User Navigation does not have the context of a course launch to know if the user is an instructor in this course, however, an LTI 1.3 launch from this User Navigation placement does include information about Institutional roles, including http://purl.imsglobal.org/vocab/lis/v2/institution/person#Instructor if applicable to the user, so it would seem feasible that a visibility control could allow more specific tailoring of visibility based on institutional roles (or equivalent in Canvas world)

It would seem there are a lot more tools that visibility toggling would make sense between students and instructors in this user navigation placement than there are tools that would use the "admin" visibility. I would be surprised if there were many User Navigation placements that set visibility to "admin" at all. An instructor only visibility control might open up this placement to additional usage.

Proposed solution:

Update the visibility from the current limited selection of: 'public', 'members', 'admins' and include an option for 'instructors' where instructors would include anyone that has an instructor institutional roles in the LTI 1.3 parlance (https://www.imsglobal.org/spec/lti/v1p3#lis-vocabulary-for-institution-roles)

User role(s):


Added to Theme

1 Comment
Status changed to: Added to Theme

Thank you for the suggestion! I have added this to the "Expand flexibility of LTI configuration and visibility" theme for further consideration.